The Secret Alchemy singles network
Find your ideal match without even trying
Because we’re so much more than your average dating agency, you’ve also got the option of becoming a part of the Secret Alchemy singles network. Intrigued? You should be.
Embrace a little spontaneity
Joining the network is the perfect way to find your ideal match without even trying. We may not be actively seeking to find you a match, but it might be that you could make sparks fly with someone we’re working with. If that’s the case, we’ll simply contact you to have a chat and go from there. There’s no obligation and no tie in. All we ask is that you meet with one of our matchmakers before joining the network, to ensure that you’ll get the best of what Secret Alchemy has to offer. Talk to us now to find out more.
We are growing our Facebook group – The Secret Alchemy Single Professionals Community – to be a safe and private place for singles like you, to connect, meet others, share thoughts and give and receive advice. Come along and join us today.
contact us and get matched!
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